Next Generation IPL Light Therapy
Intense Pulsed Light, (IPL) AFT converts unused short-wavelength light into the usable spectrum. The conversion increases emission and penetration into the treatment area and allows
for lower fluence to be used. The lower energy minimizes the chances of unwanted adverse events associated with traditional IPL and helps maximize patient comfort.
Reveal Even Toned, Unblemished Skin
Life cycle and hormonal changes can affect the distribution of color (melanin) in our skin, leading to the appearance of sunspots, age spots, or melasma – a dark, patchy facial discoloration condition.
Harmony’s light-based laser treatments remove the appearance of spots and pigmentation by targeting the melanin in the darkened area, clearing all layers of the pigmentation and revealing even toned, unblemished skin.
IPL Photofacial FAQs
What is IPL Photofacial?
Photorejuvenation refers to the use of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to treat conditions related to sun-induced skin damage. IPL uses a broad spectrum of light which is primarily absorbed by melanin and oxyhemoglobin and is effective in reducing the appearance of sun spots, capillaries, elastosis and fine lines.
Next Generation Pulsed Light Therapy
Pulsed dye AFT converts unused short-wavelength light into the usable spectrum. The conversion increases emission and penetration into the treatment area and allows for lower fluence to be used. The lower energy minimizes the chances of unwanted adverse events associated with traditional IPL and helps maximize patient comfort.
What conditions can IPL Photofacial treat?
- Sun-damaged skin
- Fine lines
- Wrinkles
- Enlarged pores
- Rosacea
- Liver spots
- Hyperpigmentation
- Enlarged pores